Saturday, 23 September 2006

The View from Above

صور من الأقمار الصناعية

مجلس الوزراء الكويتي (إذا ماني غلطان)، جامعة الكويت (الشويخ) بس شنهي المساحة المدفونة شمال الموقع؟

Click here for the map

الحرم الشريف، مكة

قبة الصخرة وجنوبها المسجد الأقصى

طائرة على سطح عمارة في نيو يورك!

Click here for the map

Fun to fly around:

Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Can liberalism be the new Evil?

Will liberalism unite the "faithful" and bridge the gaps between the religions? In a way where the believers unite to reject the liberal mind?

Is that possible? Is that a threat?

Can a world exist where believers in human rights, and freedom of expression, and with them the masses of agnostics and atheists, can ever make peace with the faithful that reject them?

Are religions too conservative, that they cannot keep up with the human condition?

Questions have been floating around, but never addressed. There was a time when people were isolated enough for those questions to lay dormant. Keep to yourself, play the social game, and all would be OK. It’s not like that anymore.

If you are reading this, you probably don’t know me, yet you hear a voice. A point of view. No matter who I am. You take it as a view. If you share that view, you'll reach out. So will I. The days of burned books, or restricted talk is over. We cannot be in denial. We have to face each other.

Can religions catch up with what’s going on?

They say that by coping with the enlightenment movement, the Christian church saved itself. Now some call and even demand for Islam to embrace modernity and social change through its own enlightenment. They are hoping for an eventual cessation of recent violent expressions that seem to plaque the public view of Islam.

So many questions? Where to begin? Where are we going?
Do we need a new prophet? A miracle to shock us? An alien to remind us of our humanity?

Is there a point to all these questions when there are needing populations all around us? The one in the cardboard box on the sidewalk. The hungry from an environment we are abusing. The sick from a disease that can be cured. So many, of us, with simple problems, that can be solved now.

Yet we fight for property and dare I say greed. Perhaps it’s just fear. We exaggerate words into conflict. We fall into little tiny fractures of our own definition. Your are so. She is so. He did so because he is such.

Changing the world is simple. How come we are not doing it?

I hope these days of fear which breed violence, will move us all and make us scream that we had enough. Will these days make us see how we have been hijacked by one idiot to another. Pointless and draining. This situation molds us into something we would never want to be.

Where to go from here?