Wednesday, 10 January 2007

اختراعات كويتية

This week, the launch of Google Patents created a rush of people who want discover what famous people might have invented. Like for example:

Michael Jackson has a patent for “anti-gravity” boots, which he used in the Smooth Criminal video.

Jamie Lee Curtis invented a nappy containing a sanitary wipe within a pocket.

So, what about Kuwaiti inventors?
Not surprisingly, I found many technical inventions related to the oil industry. Also, many inventions from KISR (معهد الكويت للأبحاث). All the best to them and their efforts, but their inventions were not as interesting as MJ’s boots!

However, I also found a few interesting Kuwaiti inventors.

مخترعين كويتيين

أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية في جامعة الكويت، د. جاسم الحسن، سجل طريقة لإنتاج مرهم للشفاء، من السمك

علي التركي، اخترع محول كهربائي للمبة، لكي يستطيع الشخص ان يستخدم لمبة ذات قوة منخفضة في مقبس (شالكلمة، مقبس؟؟) ذو قوة عالية

ولكن المخترع الكويتي الي عنده أكبر عدد من براءات الاختراع هو صباح ناصر الصباح. فقد صمم طائرة بحيث تكون قمرة القيادة في الخلف، ليستمتع الركاب بنافذة
أمامية بانورامية

وعنده فكرة للحفاضات، فسجل فكرة جهاز منبه ينذر عند ابتلال الحفاضات

وعجلة تستوعب الصدامات

وهيكل لحماية قاذفة الصواريخ! هممم

جامعة الكويت

السؤال المهم هو أين إنتاج جامعة الكويت؟ فغير التدريس، أين نتائج الأبحاث؟ هل هو اعتماد على إنتاج معهد الأبحاث فقط؟ أين إنتاج أساتذة الجامعة، و طلابها؟ بعد مرور 40 سنة من إنشاء الجامعة


Blogger ناصر الكويت said...

يبدو ان معلوماتك الشخصية ضغيفة

جامعة الكويت لديها الكثير من الاختراعات والانجازات وآخر حصول طلاب على جائزة نوبل

Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:31:00 am  
Blogger said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:34:00 am  
Blogger said...

مشكور على التوضيح يا
ناصر الكويت
عاد انا أتابع جوائز النوبل، ما ادري شلون طافتني :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:35:00 am  
Blogger Witty said...

احم .. عاشوا طلبة جامعة الكويت .. خوش بحث .. أنا ليلحين ناطرة الرادو اللي يشتغل على الغبار والسيارة اللي تمشي على الرطوبة ... وبراءة الاختراع المفروض تنعطى حق حسين عبد الرضا هيهي

اييه .. السلام عليكم يالوندرز .. مريت خواتي العزيزات قلت أمر أشوف مدونتك .. مشالله .. قريت آخر موضوعين بس .. وكالعادة استمتعت بالقراءة .. يعطيك العافية :)

وعاش جاسم الحسن .. مدرسني بالجامعة يحليله وما أنسى أهو أول واحد عطاني جيد جدا مرتفع بعد ماكنت ما أييب إلا امتياز :( (نيرد .. ما عليّ شرهه هاها) بس ما عليه .. خوش ريال .. كان كله في البحر عشان أبحاثه .. أشوه يت بنتيجة :))

وانت كل عام وانت بخير وعيدك مبارك وعساك على القوة :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:05:00 am  
Blogger Mamloo7a Q8ia said...

dear wonders
i liked the nappy invented by jamie lee curtis
u know that i met her in a trip from london to chicago
and i was reading hello magazine and there was an article about her
so i show it to her and we had a little chat
then she asked me to take the magazine to read
i agree but i asked her to sign for me on it
u know what she did???
she cut the page with the article and took it without asking but she signed on the magazine
i discovered that later and realy was so angry
do u think she didnt steal this invention?????

Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:45:00 am  
Blogger Mamloo7a Q8ia said...

عزيزي وندرز
تصليح لمعلومة حفيد الامير

صباح ناصر الصباح
ليس حفيد الامير بل هو صباح ناصر سعود الصباح وهو وكيل وزارة الدفاع
ومن اعضاء النادي العلمي الكويتي
وله مخترعات عديده

Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:49:00 am  
Blogger White Wings said...

hay wonders
first let me thank you for the clarification you provided in the previous post..i actually printed the whole Obama article and will be reading part of it in a related meeting ....i will let you know of the reactions, he says some very important and as you said he references familiar issues and concerns..thanks
oh, and what a great post this one is, and you really have a point about KU's production or the lack of it in that case...teaching oad is high and library is relatively poor...not very encouraging circumstances for research
had no idea we have that many "inventors" great...will we see your name amongst them soon? :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:32:00 pm  
Blogger said...

!witty ياهلا
"من زمان ما سمعت ال "احم

حياك الله، وعبد الحسين عبد الرضا يستاهل نوبل للسلام على إبداعه. خلق للكويتيين والعرب عامة ذكريات كوميدية
جميلة. "واهل فيلكا ما خلو شي

ماشاء الله عليج كله امتياز الا مادة؟ والنعم بجاسم الحسن اذا تذكرينه بالخير معن خرب المعدل

وانت بخير،عساك من عايدة،والله يقويك،والحمد الله على السلامة. سمعت ان اليوم كان عندكم عواصف، ان شالله تكونون سالمين

Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:36:00 pm  
Blogger said...

That’s really shocking about Jamie Lee Curtis. First off - no matter who she is, and what the article was - to rip off a page from a borrowed magazine. Then to sign it, and return it! That’s beyond rude.
I don’t know about the invention. Anything is possible when you don’t know a person. So, now knowing that she stole a page from your magazine, then…she could’ve! “she fell from my eyes” :)

!مشكورة على التصحيح

!وعاش السوشي

Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:40:00 pm  
Blogger said...

Helloo white wings
Anytime. It’s great that you found the article useful, and I look forward to hearing about any reaction! I’m listening to the audiobook (since the book wasn’t out here), and I’ll let you know if he goes into any more interesting details.

About KU, I thought it had very advanced labs, and has well-equipped infrastructure. I don’t think the number of filed inventions is a measure of success, but at least there should be some targeted research or even commercial spin-offs to encourage students towards.

About me inventing anything. Yes, watch this space. I have an idea of a GPS system based on beetle tracks :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:05:00 pm  
Blogger Witty said...

hehe looks like my "e7em" is becoming a trademark.

Well, am only a semi-nerd. Unfortunately, Dr Jasem was the first one to start a chain reaction of B+'s after a series of A's and A-'s :/ I think he still remembers me. Gotta go see him sometime.

And the gales here are unreal. Not even the new buildings can withstand the rain hitting at 80 mph! My flat is leaking :/ Hope you're doing better down there :)

Cheers, mate :)

Friday, January 12, 2007 9:36:00 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

wala il kuwaitieen mo hayneen ... yisawoon shiqil ... best of luck my beloved Kuwaitis

Friday, January 12, 2007 10:02:00 am  
Blogger DiLLi O MiLLi said...

أنا سامعه بمرهم لعلاج لدغة السمكه السامه هذا مأخوذ من ووويع الماده المايعه اللي على سمك "الجم"!ء

ياسلام عل قمارة الطياره !! شوف كل واحد يخترع الشي اللي بمستواه هههههه
luxury Inventions are for luxury people. hehee
وبعدين يا حبيبي ماكو تشجيع للمواهب ولا أكو أستعداد لمختبرات أو مواد وأهم شي ما عندنا عقول متفتحه لشباب مبدعيين

والبركه فيك

Sunday, January 14, 2007 7:22:00 am  
Blogger White Wings said...

what a great GPS idae :) i am still waiting on someone to invent non-tearable pantyhose, that will be the day :)
and you are right about KU again, it is well-equipped but with no incentive...for teachers to get funds for research they go through a complicated process; for students, it is even harder. generally speaking, one does not feel the necessaty of doing research, Kuwaitis are tenured the minute they are hired, so, lack of research is not a threat at all
students are not motivated towards that, many teachers are still old school and cannot see the importance of research for students particularly..
anyway, i have a meeting this afternoon during which I will reference the article..will keep you update
my very best

Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:09:00 pm  
Blogger said...

ali هلا
!عيل شلون، انا كويتي انا

dilli o milli
عجيبة الطيارة. مصممة خصيصا لك. عشان لايفوتك شيء من الاقلاع حتى الوصول! بس اضن الاخ مافكر شي صير اذا طير دعم الزجاج! وهي مشكلة حقيقية للطائرات. حتا لو المادة قوية، اضن نتيجة الاصطدام راح تشوه المنظر طول الرحلة!هههه =)

white wings
Guess what. It’s been done! Well at least non-run pantyhose. There are so many new materials/fabrics now, there’s got to be a way for it not to even tear. I don’t know why you ladies bother with that anyway. Who tricked you into it? :)
Thanks about the KU info. For the sciences, I can see how KISR might have taken the strategic incentive away from KU, but I still don’t understand why there isn’t a push for research at KU with commercial incentive for the inventors. Instead of it being a requirement for students/teachers, a fund can be established to encourage research into commercially-viable fields. The fund doesn’t have to be big, but the point of it is to encourage early research, which could succeed in producing marketable products. Both the inventor, and the fund will gain. And of course the bigger strategic point of establishing new industries/markets in Kuwait. Not a new concept, but as you said the attitude is "old school," and I presume since there is an open budget-surplus-faucet there is no incentive to look beyond today. Grrrr!

Monday, January 15, 2007 7:43:00 pm  
Blogger White Wings said...

what you're suggesting is practical and very clever, No bureaucracy of routine? that's why it cannot be adapted in our governmental organizations
and i tell you woderns the same "man" who tricked us into high heels, tricked us into pantyhose :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:25:00 pm  
Blogger said...

Heels and pantyhose! How did it come to this white wings?

You say men, eh? Hmmm...
I think woman should reclaim their manhood, and men should aspire for womanhood. Some where in between, maybe there is something better...and something tells me in between wouldn't be in pantyhose and heels!

Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:43:00 am  
Blogger DiLLi O MiLLi said...

white wings & wondors


Tearable Em-ka-sar .. so men can Safer tooo....

Friday, January 19, 2007 2:14:00 am  
Blogger HobbyHolic said...

WoW iNTeReStiNg iNFoRMaTiON TheRe! I ThouGht the GPS iDeA WaS iNTeReSTiNg;p NiCe BLoG theRe aNd GooD LuCk!

Saturday, January 27, 2007 3:51:00 pm  
Blogger White Wings said...

hay wonders
happy valentine dear friend
how are you doing?
been long, yalla, new post is due any day now
i think looking for your masculine and feminine sides is a very diffecult but profitable is the right balance in life, very diffecult to aquire though, wouldn't you say?
and dilli
i love the tearable emkassar, and add to this hair spray, they will be miserable :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:11:00 pm  
Blogger said...

Oh wow!
So, sorry dear white wings!
I'm doing well thanks. I hope you are too. I got busy with adjusting to work/routine, and neglected this. It's not right though, because I have dear friends on here :)

Again, about the right balance. Time needs alot of balance too! Or is it all about time? Woah...deep. No, actually, that didn't make sense. OK, I'll stop talking to myself and post something!

I have a post in mind. I think it will be something you'll appreciate. Something about talents that impress, and to be proud of...

Saturday, March 03, 2007 12:20:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

الله يعطيك العافيه
بصراحه خوش موضوع
وانا اقول انه في مبدعين وايد بس مو لاقين فرصه ولا متوفر لهم احتياجاتهم
وانا اعتقد انهم اذكى من الغرب
وماشاء الله في اختراعات بالحرس الوطني الكويتي
وهذا الرابط فيه كل شي

Wednesday, March 07, 2007 12:20:00 am  
Blogger said...

الله يعافيك ، حياك يا انون

مشكور على الرابط. والنعم بالحرس الوطني وياليت مؤسسات الدولة الثانية تعطي مثل هالاهتمام

هل تعرف ليش الحرس الوطني يعطي هالاهتمام؟هل هو جزء من التدريب؟ هل هم اشخاص معينيين؟ او طبيعة العمل بالحرس؟او تاربخ؟ او..؟

Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:37:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo, the excellent answer.

Friday, March 12, 2010 11:42:00 pm  
Anonymous Levitra said...

Wow!!!Amazing!!! This is the same as the wonders of the world. We can earn money from that. Thank you so much!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:25:00 pm  
Anonymous Levitra said...

Wow!!!Amazing!!! This is the same as the wonders of the world. We can earn money from that. Thank you so much!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:25:00 pm  

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