Richard III - An Arab Tragedy
Richard III, as an Arab – in Arabic. An adaptation. No, an extrapolation. An extension, and a statement about how we can be seen to be: Negative, and without room for hope. A slap. A scream. Felt and heard at the heart of Shakespeare's legacy. Juxtaposed in harmony. Executed by competence. Enriched by creativity. It melts pride into doubts and questions. It challenges, provokes, insults, and attacks.
It opened with Margret stating (in a generic badawi dialect - ...انا مارقرت):
thought that we walked in prepared, but our defenses were conquered within a few minutes. The intimate stage left no room for distractions. The amazing cast delivered with power, and engaged even at moments of stereotyped melodrama. The creative script transformed Richard III into current reality, and maintained attention. The live musicians, with authentic Kuwaiti/Arabic instruments (mirwas, taar, oud - consulted by سليمان القصار) mixed by an audio wizard (Lewis Gibson), amplified the mood and engulfed. An ominous set of monitors in a dark corner of the set reminded all of the time this play was set. The actors, dressed in costumes, designed by Abdulla Al-Awadi (عبدالله العوضي), also snapped us into believing this time-shift. From Margret’s (Amal Omarn - أمل عمران) dark trailing gown, to the ridiculous poodle-shaped hand bag worn with pride by nouveaux-riche Lady Anne (Nadine Joma’a - نادين جمعة).
“I am Margret. You needn’t be concerned about me. We lost. It is your right to ignore me. I would ignore myself if my history let me. I don’t want your loans, your gifts, your reconstruction grants. I don’t want your pity: we lost. All I ask from you is not to question my thirst for revenge: it is not because I am Arab – I have a degree. And anyway, my name is not Margaret. But our history is so awful, even the victors have changed their names.”And so started the discontent of Sulayman Al-Bassam’s (سليمان البسام) take on Richard III. I
I was entranced, but kept taking the slaps. Eyes widened, and jaw dropped at some
We were lucky to have seen this production in Startford-Upon-Avon, the birthplace of Shakespeare. At a follow-on discussion, Jassim Al-Nabhan was emotional when he told the audience how appreciative he was to be there in the autumn of his career – at a place that honours the tradition of theatre.
So, where will this talent go next? They said to a few festivals –
So, to Sulayman, Georgina Van Welie (producer), Sandra Al-Saleh (assistant director), and the great cast and team, thanks! And a special thank-you to Abdulla Al-Awadi who took great care of us! We had an amazing time! I wish you all the very best, and hope to see you again soon.
More info: Royal Shakepeare Company, Al-Bassam Theatre
If this sounded like a promotion for the play, well then perhaps it is. I would love for more people to know about this. I stayed away from stating the substance of the play - waring tribes, and how Richard is helped by the West. I won't, because I want you to experiance it.
They are an amazing cast and team working with material that is original and fresh, so I wish more can witness them in action. Kuwaiti, Arab, or any: this is a play to experiance as a human being. Very current, and provoking.
Look for them.
Pictures (from the programme): Nawaf Al-Ali Photography
you might as well put a knife into my chest :) i read about this play and was so eager to hear about the production and then of "a" production that would come somewhere near by. I saw AL-Bassam's latest production of Kalila wa Dumna in Kuwait, did you catch that? it was excellent and I got a chance to speak with him and even present him with a suggestion which he accepted humbly :)
My God, I can't believe you caught that production and what an excellent...just excellent critique/introduction of the play. I would like your permission to publish this piece in an English Kuwaiti newspaper under your blogger name if that's ok with you, please let me know as soon as possible..this piece cannot hide here in blogger...has to be read by a wider audience..
and stop right there
you are the farthest from being rude, and i know your abscence is absolutely justified...sometimes, even with no work, one needs to stay away, blogger could be a big headache :) i just come by and check on you from time to time to guilt you into coming back :) no pressure though, just let us know you're all right
and what is marvelous about these come-backs is the posts you produce...really worth the wait
stay good and take care of you :)
Hi white wings
Of course you have my permission! I'm glad you liked the post :) Let me know if you need me to edit/correct things. I agree more should know about this play. It was just great, and I hope you'll be able to see it. I haven't seen Kalila wa Dumna. This was my first.
LOL! OK, not rude. It was fun to look it up though :)
Thank you WW, you've always been kind
*sigh* had you posted that earlier, I would've made an effort to go and see the play! Shame!
I only knew you're back from White Wings' blog. So, welcome back. Keep up the good work.
Hi witty
Yes, it was very short. Just 12 performances. We went to the one before last. :/ Hopefully, you'll be able to catch them once they decide on where next.
I hope all is well with you :)
يعني أنا أذا بشوف المسرحيه لازم أسافرأمستردام ... مو معقوله عمل رائع مثل هذا بمجهود شباب كويتي وما نشووفه بالكويت !! ماكو تشجيع حق هالطاقات المبدعه !! جني أشوف فرحة الفنان جاسم النبهان وهو في آخر عمره يوقف على خشبة مسرح شكسبير ... من طريقة نقدك الرائعه للمسرحيه شوقتنا نشووفها ... جان زين أيبونها الكويت ... والله هالشباب فخر وتشريف للكويت الله يعطيهم ألف عافيه
أي يوبه أنت ووايت وينغز طايحين على هالمسرحيات الحلوه ... الأخت رايحه كليله ودمنه وأنت ريتشارد وأنا قاعده بالبيت والفقيره وتي بديرة ثقيلين الطينه الأسكتلنديين ... الله كريم
وأنت وين الدراسه ... ماكووو روحات مسرحيااات ألا لما تحصليين الشهاده ... خوش عيل ... شوفي ترى أنا للحين شاكه بالدكتوراه مالتج ههههههه
Hiya :)
All is well, el7imdellah. Thanks for asking. As for the play, I'll keep an eye for it inshallah.
dilli w/o milli
هاو يا حافظ ... من متى شاكة بشهادتي؟ ما قلتي لي من قبل هالشكوك والظنون!
بس ما ألومج ... أنا أصلا شاكة فيها
dilli o o
ماكو تشجيع من الجهات الي المفروض ان تكون مختصة، بس الأهم ان العاملين بالمسرحية يقولون ان ما كو تشجيع شعبي لهذا النوع من المسرحيات
اضن ان لو ناس يدرون بقدر الابتكار وتنوع المسرحية من الجدية للكوميدية والموسيقى والتمثيل، غير تطويرها لى
Richard III
جان يقبلون عليها. بس اذا وصلت الكويت او دول عربية لازم تتغير شوي لان فبها مقاطع لا اضن يقدرون يقدمونها، وتعليقها السياسي قوي وقد يزعج\يهبن. ما اضن ان بعض الدول العربية تسمح. مشكلة الكويت، برأي سليمان، هي مشكلة المسرح كمؤسسة ناضجةومهيأة لأداء هذه مسرحية
انشالله تعرض بالكويت
I’ll let you know if I hear anything..احم
It is frustrating to see the complete lack of appreciation to the Kuwaiti talents. Typical 3ain 3thari :(
Thank you for the info, please let us know if by any chance it is scheduled for shows in the Gulf.
Great Post!
Witty, White Wings and D&M .. so great to meet you here :) do you notice a pattern?!
hehe wayed zaina e7em :) Thanx. We shall wait for your update.
Umm El3yal
LOL yeah, great minds think alike? So they are bound to come accross each other :)
You know, I remember this guy. I was in high school, and there was some sort of interview on KTV2, during a time in my life when I still occasionally dialed on to the local stations. A young director, new on the scene, a Kuwaiti British import (oxymoronic I know). I was fascinated by his accent, his pale pink shirt, and the fact tat he was crazy enough to put on a production of a modernized Hamlet, or possibly Macbeth, in Kuwait. Something about a pop song, the pop popping out Englishly. I was immediately on the phone to my best friend, who thought he seemed stiff, or like *a* stiff, I can’t remember. I never got the guts to ask my parents if I could go.
هلا والله
O, wise one :)
I’ll hopefully, and whenever I can, let you know of the talents I can be lucky enough to meet and know what their up to. I’ll definitely let you know. At the same time, I look forward to your words of wisdom.
I use احم with presumed permission. It’s all yours. It’s treasured because of that
snocone the crazy!
Welcome! No, really, without labels, welcome. I say that with admiration.
I like your shifted ways, shifty. Yes, it was called “Al-Hamlet Summit”, I found this full text ( I’d say never ask for anyone's permission to explore a creative spark. Since you're certified crazy, you should have all the permission you need to go out and see what other crayyzzss do! All I can say about him is that he's the softest of all, but with the harshest of outlooks. Them, we need to listen to, them the bittered sweet.
:) you got me wrong. Was genuinely admiring your use of *e7em*, not mocking :) Makes me feel all important, leaving my mark behinde lol
you leave your mark with more than احم. I don't think I misunderstood, but perhaps I sounded like I did :) I hope all is well and good with you
I'm flattered. All is well thank you :) wish you the same.
so, did you catch another show?
and did you book a ticket back to KUwait? :P
Very funny W squared
hay wonders
i am proposing an idea on my blog, a petition of some sort, and I even asked ma6goog to host it if he's interested, let me know what you think
and when did you say you were coming back? :)
just teasing :P
Great idea! I'm all for it. Let me know if you need any help. Taking this lying down is wrong, and you're right not to let this go without answers.
The least we deserve is a clear explanation, and visibility to how the decision was taken not to air an already-recorded episode. Who and how was that done, and according to what parameters?
glad you agree sir :) and so I am taking advantage of your support, check your email :)
did you know that Sulyman Al-Bassam is here in Kuwait?
no, I didn't. You should let him know that we, the bloggers (now that we are a lobby group!), demand that he brings the production to Kuwait :)
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